Our Covid policy below
Fairy Forest School COVID19 Policy
Written by: Rawdon Jones Date: 21/15/2021
Scope of Operations
Fairy Forest School Ltd provides outdoor educational activities and services in woodlands primarily based on forest school activities. We work in woodland sites providing activities for school trips, forest events and birthday parties and outdoor learning using exemplary teaching. We develop outdoor areas to deliver forest school activities. In addition we offer advice/consultancy on educational issues related to business, safety and sustainability. Fairy Forest School has a duty of care for leading activities and maintaining welfare however adult supervision by parents/school staff/carers are expected to also deliver their duty of care to the children they are supervising.
Fairy Forest School has a legal commitment to follow Government Rules which undergo revision and change such as the number of people that can gather in different circumstances. Fairy Forest School will abide by these guidelines and its legal/ethical duty to reduce the spread of Covid.
Spread of Covid19
Covid 19 is spread primarily as an airborne contagion buffered in a liquid aerosol produced from coughing and breathing. This aerosol remains viable on surfaces and can then be transmitted by touching the face particularly eyes. Controls will therefore focus on:
1. Reducing the risk of infected people attending events;
2. Reducing the risk of substantial viral load through air;
3. Reducing the risk of infection through touching shared surfaces;
4. Recording attendees in the event of a requirement to trace.
Strategy for reducing Covid 19 Risk
Reducing the risk of infected people attending events
People will be asked to not attend the event if they have been asked to isolate or recently developed any symptoms as defined by the NHS at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/ . They will be advised to get a PCR test.
Symptoms are a high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell.
Fairy Forest School will achieve this by:
Asking staff to undergo a lateral flow test 48 hours before an event or weekly;
Sending a “Do not Attend If . . .” Covid correspondence to the email address to those that have booked on events or have organised an event such as a birthday party. And ask them to forward it to other attendees;
Sharing our Do Not Attend instruction on our web site and social media.
Reducing the risk of substantial viral load through air
As an open air event the only enclosed areas are the toilet tent and cars. The tent is likely to only have one person in (or the same bubble if a parent helping a child go to the loo). We will discourage car sharing (unless in a bubble).
Our main control measure in open air is therefore Social Distancing which will be maintained at 2 metres by asking customers to maintain this through correspondence (what you can do to help), at the start of the session and by reminding them during the session – particularly when queuing for food, on bounce net and no sharing (outside bubble) in hammocks.
Where 2m cannot be maintained such as helping children toast marshmallows a face covering will be worn by staff. Staff will be reminded about coughing into elbows.
Reducing the risk of infection through touching shared surfaces
This will be achieved by regular hand washing, encouraging personal hygiene with staff and customers, surfaces and minimising contact with food.
Customers will receive correspondence on “what you can do to help” and be asked to share.
To reduce the risk of spread via touching wash stations of soap and water will be available at the loo, fire area (for when cooking), car, and play area.
Handling of food will be from the packet wherever possible. Cups will be available but to prevent the risk of transfer when cups are left we will encourage customers to bring their own.
Recording attendees in the event of a requirement to trace
A QR code will be generated and displayed at each site (located in the car window near site access & base camp). For those that want to use the NHS app.
A paper form to fill in will be circulated around before start and then kept at base camp for late arrivals to sign.
Paper records will be retained for 21 days before being destroyed.
Staff will undergo a toolbox talk on this Covid policy and control measures to reduce risk.